Contracts & Handbooks
Employment law is often subject to more change than other areas of the law, often as a result of Government initiatives and now more than ever due to the EU Revocation Bill. Our clients also need to review their contracts and policies to reflect internal changes and policy (and culture requirements). We have an experienced team which will make these changes for our clients typically at a fixed cost per contract or policy.
Main contacts
Alan Lewis
Suki Harrar
Caroline Glacken
We can help you respond to legal developments through:
Specially developed compliance audits, which combine user-friendly risk analysis with clear commercial recommendations. These cover a wide range of common issues, such as:
Business immigration compliance
Equal pay audits
Whistleblowing procedures
Restrictive covenants and business protection
Employment contracts and handbooks
Providing clear robust employment documentation such as directors’ service agreements, consultancy agreements or temporary labour supply contracts.
These services are available at a fixed cost.
Case study
Conducting a detailed business immigration audit for a national retailer and food distribution company. Risks were identified and successfully mitigated by the business.
Preparing contracts of employment and a staff handbook for a national care homes provider. Contracts were prepared for the senior leadership team and other grades of staff. We aligned employment obligations with statutory care duties.
Drafting and negotiating directors’ service agreements for the executive board of a UK hotel group.