United States
Brexit is the most important legal, economic and constitutional development in the UK since 1945.
At Constantine Law, we are experts in international work and provide leading employment and business immigration services. We are well-placed to act as a guide to your business, through the Brexit journey.
As a firm, we are passionate advocates of the recruitment of global talent and experts in supporting industry-specific solutions to Brexit: We Must Fight Back Against Plans to Curb 'Unskilled' Workers, John Hayes, Construction News.
We are on hand to provide responsive solutions to the challenges and opportunities that Brexit will present for our clients.
Caroline Glacken has years of experience in assisting employers with recruitment from around the world. A full list of these services can be found on our Business Immigration page.
Caroline is also a member of ILPA and participated in the recent UK Government call for evidence on EEA AND Non EEA Migrant workers.
We write regularly about Brexit and host important seminars on the subject. You can read some of our many articles here.
“The construction industry deserves an immigration policy that is low-cost, low in administration and high-speed, so as to bring in the required construction workers.”